Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects Wrap a Pristine White Studio with a Beautifully Aged Wood Skin

Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects Wrap a Pristine White Studio with a Beautifully Aged Wood Skin

August 4, 2014

We recently featured how Ryall Porter Sheridan renovated a 1970s house into a beautiful green retreat using Passive House standards. In a similar vein, the Manhattan-based architects have created a small artist’s shelter with comparable aesthetic, employing many of the same sustainable strategies throughout. Called ‘Orient Artist Studio’, this project on the north-fork of Long Island is clad in a beautifully aged timber envelope that protects its pristine white interiors.

Ryall Porter Sheridan, Passive House, Orient Artist Studio, Long Island, energy-efficient, triple glazing windows

The Orient Artist Studio is a small, energy-efficient retreat designed for an artist on Long Island. Although it’s surrounded by forest, its interiors are bright and open, making it an ideal environment for an artist. The window’s triple glazing and insulated frames protects its inhabitants throughout the year, reducing both heat loss and heat gain to create a comfortable, stable working environment.

Ryall Porter Sheridan, Passive House, Orient Artist Studio, Long Island, energy-efficient, triple glazing windows

Solar panels placed on the roof capture our brightest star’s light and turn it into energy for the small but wonderfully charming shelter that has achieved international Passive House certification.

All of Ryall Porter Sheridan’s work can be seen here.

[Related: Check out Ryall Porter Sheridan Architects’ 1970s Orient House IV; and you’re sure to fall in love with their red house]

Photos courtesy of Ryall Porter Sheridan

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