Car Free Earth Day

April 5, 2023

NYC to host largest-ever car-free Earth Day celebration

New York City is marking Earth Day with its largest car-free celebration yet. The city's Department of Transportation's annual Open Streets: Car-Free Earth Day event connects 100 open streets across the city, 22 plazas, and over 1,000 miles of the five borough's bike network to promote environmental activism and sustainable forms of transportation. This year's celebration will be held on Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and include seven separate signature event locations and 23 community-produced locations featuring live performances, fitness instruction, giveaways, and educational programming.
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April 8, 2022

100 streets across NYC to go car-free for Earth Day

In celebration of Earth Day, the city's Department of Transportation is hosting the annual Car Free Earth Day, connecting over 100 open streets across the five boroughs, 22 plazas, and over 1,000 miles of the city's bike network on April 23 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. City agencies and community organizations will host programming along the streets to promote environmental activism and education about climate change, sustainability, and other related topics. DOT will also partner with local artists who will be putting on live performances.
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