Live On Artist Hannes Bend’s Boat for Under $300/Month – Tow It Wherever You Want

Live On Artist Hannes Bend’s Boat for Under $300/Month – Tow It Wherever You Want

May 17, 2016

Now that we know it is very possible to live a (reasonably) comfortable life on a 200-square-foot boat with your significant other and a dog, there’s no reason to pass up this opportunity to stretch out on a 28-foot sailboat for next to nothing. As Brokelyn first reports, artist Hannes Bend, is offering up his Bronx-docked boat up to anyone who wants to live a seafaring life—with the convenience of the city just handful of subway lines and stops away, of course—pretty much for free.

artist hannes bend boat house

There are a few minor catches. One being that the boat is currently moored all the way out on City Island, Bronx. However, Bend writes in his Craigslist ad that it could be towed to other marinas like the 79th Street Basin in the Upper West Side, or South Brooklyn, where it would cost about $1,500 (or roughly $300/month) to keep until October. He says he’s not asking for any money, but notes that he hopes “eventually the boat could be subletted when none of us would use it. Then we would split [the] income.”

Also in the ad, the artist writes that he might want to stay aboard a few days a month if he’s in the city for work (he currently lives on an even smaller boat in Portland).

artist hannes bend boat house

Apart from those few caveats, the deal seems pretty legit. According to the listing, the boat is “spacious with a front bedroom,” has a “sink with vanity” plus a toilet, and because there are five berths and a large cockpit outside, you can host another three adults (weather permitting).

So why such a generous offer you ask? “Claiming ownership over parts of the earth, asking others to pay for [it], and territorial behavior, seem absurd to me,” Bend told Brokelyn.

With that said, anyone enamored with this boat-living situation can reach out to Bend at hannesbend[at] “Floor plan” in the gallery below.

[Via Brokelyn]


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