Southern Queens Greenway

January 20, 2016

Top 10 Transportation Proposals That Would Transform New York City

Commuting in and around NYC can at times be a daunting task, and with the all of the pending subway closures, things are about to get a bit more complicated. However, all hope is not lost, and a trouble-free ride to work right be in the near future. From a city-wide ferry system to cell-phone friendly subway cars, both Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio have several new initiatives in play to improve the city's infrastructure. In addition to these ambitious government-backed measures, there are also a slew of motivated residents looking to make some changes, including a 32-Mile Greenway in Brooklyn and Queens and a High Line-esque bridge spanning the Hudson River, just to name a few. To keep your spirits high when subway lines are down, we've put together this list of top 10 transportation proposals for NYC.
See all 10 here
January 19, 2015

Cyclists Petition for 32-Mile Greenway That Would Connect Southeast Queens to Brooklyn

There's been a lot of talk lately surrounding the QueensWay, the High Line-esque linear park and cultural greenway proposed for a 3.5-mile stretch of abandoned railway in central Queens, but there's another planned greenway in Queens that's also making headlines. The proposed 32-mile path known as the Southern Queens Greenway would connect portions of Brooklyn with parks in southeast Queens, and a local group of cyclists is now petitioning for this vision to be realized.