Crowdfunded MAID Microwave Suggests Meals Based on Your Eating and Fitness Habits

October 29, 2014

That line about New Yorkers using their ovens as shoe storage is getting pretty old (thanks Sex and the City), but a new smart microwave may just make it viable to ditch the stove for good. Called MAID (Make All Incredible Dishes), the product is being crowdfunded on Kickstarter by creator SectorQube, and not only can it perfectly nuke your meals, but it can suggest what dishes you’ll like based on your cooking habits and fitness.

MAID is 1.3 cubic feet and provides access to a crowdsourced recipe store, gesture and voice commands, and a smartphone app that will alert you when dinner’s up. The recommendation feature, definitely the highlight of the product, will offer meal options to complement your diet as well as suggest a run if you just indulged in a 2,000-calorie, carb-loaded pizza.

MAID microwave, SectorQube, smart microwave

The “kitchen assistant and oven” is connected to the Recipe Store online, a curated crowd-sourced platform where chefs and cooks across the world can upload recipes. It therefore offers access to an unlimited number of recipes that users can search based on ingredients or type of dish. And if you’re feeling indecisive, MAID will recommend a dish for you based on “continuous learning of your cooking habits and your daily activities.”

MAID Assist displays ingredients and preparation steps on the microwave’s touch screen. It also gives voice instructions and visuals and can even stream cooking shows. Additionally, the product sets time and temperature based on number of servings and personal preferences.
MAID microwave, SectorQube, smart microwave, Recipe Store
The personalization engine learns about you through the MAID app. Users enter their basic details, and the service can then see what you cook regularly and your daily activity. It’s like a nutritionist and personal trainer right in your kitchen, all for $449.

If MAID meets its Kickstarter goal of $50,000 by December 3rd of this year, the product will ship in October 2015. Currently, 25 supporters are backing the project, totaling $4,075. To learn more about the microwave, take a look at the video below by SectorQuebe and visit the Kickstarter page.

[Via engadget]

Images via SectorQube

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