What Does Your Zip Code Say About You? This Map Tells All

July 20, 2015

Want to know if you’re a trendsetter, a wannabe, or just a Joe Schmo in a glass condo? This new interactive map called the “Zip Lookup” will reveal to you that your life can pretty much be summed up in five digits. Created by ESRI, a geographic-information firm, Zip Lookup is eerily on point when it comes to figuring out an area’s demographics, culture, and daily habits.

zip lookup williamsburg trendyA quick look at Williamsburg, Brooklyn

The map’s findings are based on Esri’s “Tapestry Lifestyle Segmentation” which classifies the U.S. population into 67 market segments “based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition—then further classifies the segments into LifeMode and Urbanization Groups.”

When you search a zip code, the results deliver the three segments dominating the an area. Though outcomes vary across the board, segments that seem to trend throughout the boroughs include “laptops and lattes,” “trendsetters,” “high rise renters,” and more favorably “downtown melting pot.” The descriptions for each are definitely worth a read. A sampling:

zip lookup trendsetters

You can also search your zip to find out the average income in the area, how the population breaks down by age, and your neighborhood’s density.

Have a look at your zip code here.

[Via Business Insider]


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