VIDEO: Starchitect Norman Foster Offers Up Some Sage Career Advice

May 11, 2015

Do what you love. We’ve all heard it before, but for some reason it seems so much more poignant coming from the mouth of starchitect Norman Foster. In this latest installment of the Louisiana Channel, Marc-Christoph Wagner meets up with Foster in his Geneva home to get some career insight from the icon. Though Foster’s worlds are for those in the art and architecture professions, his passion and words can certainly be carried across the spectrum.

He says to ask yourself if the path you’ve chosen is “really, really what you want to do more than anything else in the world,” and if “you would do anything to be able to do it because it really, really fires you.” Because, “if you don’t believe in it that much, you have to find something else you believe in.” But there is a silver lining for those who lose their way—namely in creative fields. “Because in life, I think you’ll find that everything is creative,” he says.


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