Mayor De Blasio Builds a “Privacy Fence” Around Gracie Mansion to Keep Curious Eyes Out

December 12, 2014

Image: Gracie Mansion before the extra four feet of fence was added. © wallyg via photopin cc

“Man of the People” Mayor De Blasio seems to be getting a little annoyed with his constituents’ nosy nature. The Post reports that De Blasio has just erected a “privacy fence” adding another four feet to the home’s existing barrier. The new fence was constructed inside an existing red brick wall and a wrought-iron fence that surrounds the famed property located close to Carl Schurz Park. The Parks Department hasn’t confirmed whether or not permits were acquired for this addition to the landmarked building, but Parks spokesman Phil Abramson claimed the new fence was “due to security concerns.”

“So much for being mayor of the people. That brick fence was good enough for Rudy Giuliani and his family, and for Ed Koch and all the mayors before him,” a law enforcement source told the Post. Obviously there’s a lot of negative sentiment swirling around the mayor’s choice to fence himself in, many wanting to know what he has to hide from us all. But we’ll cut De Blasio some slack, we all love our personal space and privacy too, don’t we?

[Via NYP]

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  1. M

    Maybe it’s because with the previous mayors, you couldn’t *see* ’em over the wall. #tallpeopleproblems.