French Embassy celebrates Notre Dame with special St. Patrick’s Cathedral concert

April 25, 2019

Photo via Pixabay 

The French Embassy in the United States has organized a series of solidarity concerts throughout the country as a way to celebrate the international significance of Notre-Dame following the April 15th fire that ravaged the Medieval wooden roof and iconic pinnacle. In the spirit of French-American friendship, each concert–in NYC, Washington DC, San Francisco, and New Orleans–will be held at an American Cathedral and will feature a French organist. Here in NYC, the free April 26th concert will be held at none other than St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

The French-born musician Daniel Brondel is the Associate Director of Music at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and he will head up the event taking place on Friday, April 26th at 7 pm at St. Patrick’s Cathedral at 5th Ave (between 51st and 52nd Streets).

Another way to support the rebuilding of Notre Dame is through the fundraiser “From Saint Patrick’s to Notre Dame.” At a press conference at Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, Cardinal Dolan said, “Almost from the very first moments we heard the awful news that Notre Dame was ablaze, New Yorkers of all faiths, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, reached out to me to express their sorrow at the devastation and ask how they could help. Thankfully Ken Langone, in his typically generous way, called and said ‘We’ve got to do something. Count me in.’ And so today we are announcing From Saint Patrick’s to Notre Dame, a way for people from New York and around the country to contribute in helping rebuild this magnificent house of faith and monument to western civilization. I am especially grateful to my good friends, including the leaders of other faiths, who have joined in support of this noble effort.”

All donations to From Saint Patrick’s to Notre Dame will be sent to Archbishop Michel Aupetit, the Archbishop of Paris, to assist with the restoration of Notre Dame and its numerous historical relics and artistic treasures.


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