Madonna Sues Upper West Side Co-Op Board Because Rules Don’t Apply to Her

April 4, 2016

Feeling above the law seems to be a new trend for Madonna. Just last week the lately-unpredictable superstar got ousted for posting fake “no parking” signs outside her Upper East Side mansion, and now the Daily News reports she’s suing the board of her Upper West co-op “for changing the building rules on her and barring her children, guests and employees from using her apartment unless she is present.” Madonna bought the apartment at 1 West 64th Street for $7.3 million in 2008, at which time she says the co-op rules didn’t have such a stipulation. So she wants a court order saying the rule doesn’t apply to her and her posse.

harperley hall

This isn’t Madonna’s first squabble with Harperley Hall. When she bought this unit in 2008, she also owned a large duplex in the building that she shared with ex-husband Sean Penn. She reportedly started using the spread as a private exercise and dance studio and for loud parties, which didn’t sit well with neighbors, especially the woman who lived above her and claimed the antics would cause her entire apartment to shake. This particular neighbor sued Madonna, and she ultimately sold the pad in 2013 for $16 million.

Now she’s the frustrated party, claiming that the co-op rules were changed in April 2014 “based on the vote of two thirds of shareholders,” but she wasn’t made aware of any vote. Court papers say, “Plaintiff is desirous of having her daughters, sons and/or maid and/or governess and/or caretaker reside in Unit 7A, whether or not Plaintiff is physically present in Unit 7A… Plaintiff is a world renowned recording artist, performer and singer who is constantly on world tours. As such, Plaintiff owns many residences around the world and travels extensively worldwide.”

[Via NYDN]


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