Real Estate Wire: Are Open Plans Falling Out of Favor?; The Sultan of Brunei Is Hotel Shopping in NYC

August 18, 2014
  • A developer is demanding volunteers pay $1M if they want to keep their community garden. [NYP]
  • The Sultan of Brunei is hotel shopping in NYC and London and is reported to have has his eyes set on The Plaza. [WSJ]
  • A campaign to build a light rail system on Staten Island has been relaunched—nearly 10 years after the idea was first pitched. [DNA Info]
  • Celebrated sculptor Alexander Ney, 74, is being evicted from his home after his landlord lied to him about his rent-stabilized status. Ney’s family is frantically trying to get everything out of the apartment before officials come to seize the property. [Gothamist]
  • Three contaminated Bronx properties will be cleaned up and rebuilt as affordable housing with the help of $300,000 in federal grants and loans. [Crain’s]
  • Are open plans losing their appeal? Frank Lloyd Wright is rolling over in his grave right now. [NYO]

An open plan apartment at Seven Harisson (left); The Sultan of Brunei (right)

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