Your Daily Link Fix: No More Crumbs; A Blue Whale Gets a Bath

July 8, 2014
  • By the Year 2016 Sharks Will Take Over Brooklyn: With Brooklyn growing the way it is, it only makes sense that it would attract sharks. We’re talking about the new exhibit the New York Aquarium plans to open. The Brownstoner tells you how you can help make this dream come true.
  • A Blue Whale Gets a Bath: We think it wants to look pretty for the sharks (see above). The Verge tells you how you can watch the giant sculpture at the Museum of Natural History get it’s scrubbing live… right now.
  • No More Crumbs: Sad Closings: Yes, it’s cruel. We lured with you a picture of cupcakes and then we shut the door in your face. Well that’s how we feel. According to the NY Daily News the decadent bake shop is closing its doors. This just after the news that the iconic Bowlmor Lanes has closed down too.
  • The Original Kickstarter Project Was the Statue of Liberty: Few things are better than getting an education while listening to the slurred speech of an inebriated man. Gothamist has a hilarious clip of Comedy Central’s Drunk History, along with some actual documents to support it.

Images: Crumbs cupcakes; Blue Whale at Museum of Natural History

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